'Re-imagining Learning: Augmenting Learning in Higher Education

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PLNT Leiden, Langegracht 70 Leiden

On 25 June 2019, Leiden University’s Centre for Innovation and the Centre for Education and Learning will join forces and organise an afternoon to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the use of AR and VR in education and research. 

Augmenting Learning in Higher Education is meant for professionals coming from science, education and the creative industry. Together we want to discuss what impact AR and VR could have on education and research. The program will cover a keynote, panel discussion and a project market, to experience the ongoing VR and AR projects firsthand. 

12:00 Walk-in lunch and Registration

13:00 Opening CEL and CfI
Michelle Olmstead (director Centre for Innovation) and Marcus Specht (director LDE CEL) will kick off this event. Carel Jansen (Centre for Innovation) will be your host for the day.

13:10 Keynote: A travel guide to immersive learning spaces
by Thomas Ginn, Jelger Kroese and Leontine van Melle (Centre for Innovation)

AR/360º VR apps built and tested at Leiden University’s Centre for Innovation
Four years ago, Leiden University’s Centre for Innovation embarked on the journey of exploring immersive learning opportunities in higher education. Thus far, the journey has yielded a variety of AR and 360º VR applications. These apps take unique learning environments such as surgeries, forests and archaeological sites into the classroom, teaching students about the process of a kidney transplantation, the effects of climate change, and the risks of archaeological field work. In this keynote the Centre for Innovation will share their lessons learned on the technological, educational and organizational aspects of this explorative adventure. Fasten your seatbelts!

13:35 Premiere - CfI and LUMC present:
AugMedicine: a new HoloLens application about Lung cases for the Medical curriculum

with Leontine van Melle, Jelger Kroese, Arianne Pieterse, Franka Luk (Centre for Innovation / LUMC)

13:45 Coffee break and Project Market & Session Pitches
Grab a coffee and visit our market stalls and learn more about innovative applications of AR and VR.

14:00-16:00 Parallel Programme:

14:00-16:00 Project Market CfI - Multiple locations

14:00-15:00 Research Session: Towards a joint AR/VR research framework!
with Marcus Specht - Plant L

Augmented and Virtual Reality is THE technology hype at the moment. Also for educational applications the holy land of augmented and virtual reality land promises milk and honey ;-). But what is the reality about educational applications of AR and VR. How can we measure effects of AR/VR applications on learning and education. Where do we see added value for individuals, collaboration, and educational institutions. The work session will give a base framework on evaluating educational A/VR applications and introduce some evidence from the last 20 years of research in Technology Enhanced Learning. The session should help you to get started to define your personal objectives for building educational applications and develop realistic expectations and hypothesis about the usage of AR/VR in education. The participants will also be introduced two main effects of AR/VR and instruments and approaches to measure those.

15:00-16:00 Industry Session with Timo Kos - Plant L

16:00 Fishbowl discussion: Lessons learnt, where do we foresee AR/VR going in the future - in education and beyond?
Moderated by: Carel Jansen and Donna Schipper

16:30 Keynote: Designing for Engagement using Mixed Reality and Applied Games
by Assoc. Prof. Stephan Lukosch, TU Delft

Science Fiction authors Orson Scott Card, Tad Williams and Vernor Vinge forecast a vision on applied games and mixed reality in the future. In several years from now, mixed reality game environments will be more engaging than ever before. They will empower distributed users to interact with the mixed reality environment and with each other. Users will have a high perception of presence and be aware of the environment around them. This presentation discusses different dimensions for creating engaging experiences alongside results of recent research projects using mixed reality and applied games in the safety & security, health and sports domain. It closes with a summary and an outlook on future work directions.

17:00 - 17:30 Drinks and Bites

Join us!
We hope to welcome you in Leiden to witness an afternoon of inspiring presentations and take part in the discussion! More information on speakers, programme and news will follow soon.

Do you know anyone, besides yourself, who wants to go beyond her/his own field of interest and wants to network with others with innovative mindsets? Forward our save-the-date, or direct them to our website. 

We hope to welcome you in June!

Register now!

In association with:

Open Universiteit

Center for Innovation