Innovation Room #14: Digital Skills & Computational Thinking

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Snellius Building, 1st floor: Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333 CS Leiden

In November we present our 14th Innovation Room in collaboration with Felienne Hermans from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and prof. Siu Cheung Kong from The Education University of Hong Kong.

This afternoon we'll immerse ourselves in the subject of programming education. With speakers and case studies from various countries this promises to be an interesting day of sharing knowledge with each other.

We hope to see you there, register via the green button below!

Our schedule for the day:

12:00 pm - Registration and walk-in lunch 

12:45 pm - Welcome by prof. dr. Marcus Specht

1:00 pm - Keynote: Curriculum Design and Professional Development of Programming Education for Computational Thinking Development by prof. Siu Cheung Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong
A four-year longitudinal project is being implemented in Hong Kong to pilot a curriculum on programming education for computational thinking development among senior primary school students. The curriculum goal is to nurture the young generation as creative problem solvers who can see the world through a computational lens. This talk will share the experience in designing and implementing such curriculum and the corresponding professional development in Hong Kong. The talk will first introduce the overall framework of curriculum design and the pedagogical rationales for curriculum implementation. It will then share the multiple ways of professional development on computational thinking education for primary school teachers. The talk will finally share the future directions in the next project phase on strengthening the coverage and flexibility of curriculum implementation and teacher development for computational thinking education in Hong Kong primary schools.

1:30 pm - Keynote: Policies, Practices and Research on Computational Thinking Education and Teachers´ Professional Development in K-12: A Swedish Perspective by prof. Marcelo Milrad, Linnaeus University Sweden
The Swedish government has recently launched a national strategy for digitalization in schools stating that CT and programming should be integrated in many school subjects. Thus, one particular challenge that needs to be addressed is the one related to teachers' competencies and skills related to programming. Since 2016, The National Agency of Education has been working together with several Swedish universities on developing academic courses in the field of CT and programming for in-service teachers. In this presentation I will provide an overview of those efforts related to teachers' competencies related to programming followed by a short description of complementary research and development activities we are carrying out in our region with more than 350 teachers and several thousand of students.

2:00 pm - Keynote: How to teach programming (and other things)? by dr. ir. Felienne Hermans
Everyone should learn programming, right? Yes! But how... Should we allow children to explore and learn about syntax on their own, or should we drill programming like we rote memorize the table of multiplication or German grammatical cases? Felienne's talk outlines this history of programming education and didactics beliefs in programming that lead to the prevalence of exploratory forms of teaching, starting with Papert's LOGO. She will then explore programming education in relation to mathematics and language education and explore how rote learning could look like for programming. Felienne will discuss her own research into misconceptions and code phonology as means to teach programming more effectively.

2:30 pm - Coffee Break

2:45 pm - Parallel Case Studies: 

2:45 - 3:30: Session 1:
Future Skills - Targeting Curriculum Innovation - Room 405
by Dr. Christian Glahn, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
The school of life science and facility management of is currently redesigned its curricula for greater emphasis on the competences of future professionals in a highly digitized industry. One challenge of this process is a lack of understanding the status quo in order to identify the key actors to drive this process across different study programs. This session discusses the insights from analyzing course and module descriptions in relation to the EC-JRC’s  DigiComp framework. Our study has yielded interesting insights for understanding the cultural and conceptual views of future skills in the different programs.

2. Digital Skills: a Dynamic Approach to basic Python programming for the whole Campus - Room 403
by Danika Marquis, E-Learning Developer, TU Delft
This case study presents a new auto-graded, cloud-based solution for Python programming to dynamically teach a range of students basic to intermediate Python. These modules are suitable for both blended and online courses, and integrate easily into existing Brightspace courses.

3:30 - 4:15: Session 2:
3. Programming Education for Teachers: Make IT Happen, Sweden - Room 405

by dr. Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Stockholm University and Tina Sundberg, Project leader of the Make IT Happen project
The “Make IT happen” project is a competence development project aimed at strengthening digital skills in K-12 schools in the south-east of Sweden; especially with regard to programming and computational thinking. The project is aimed to provide teachers with the opportunity to develop syllabuses in elementary school through competence-development activities in eight  municipalities. In particular, the project aims to stimulate creativity with technology and support programming skills; change youth attitudes to programming, increase the interest of girls and the number of teachers who utilize the possibilities of programming in the classroom. The project brings together more than 300 K-12 teachers and about 6000 students from 8 municipalities. Insights from this teachers’ professional competence development project will be presented and discussed during this presentation.

4:15 pm - Panel discussion: The Future of Digital Skills and Computational Thinking in Higher Education
Moderation by prof. dr. Marcus Specht. Panelists: dr. ir Felienne Hermans, prof. Siu Cheung Kong, prof. Marcelo Milrad, dr. Christian Glahn, dr. ir. Hans Tonino.

5:00 pm - Closing & Borrel

Register here!