100 days of data for learning

100 Days of Data for Learning

Together with 4TU.CEETU Delft Teaching AcademyTU Delft Teaching and Learning Services, and the TU Delft Extension School, we are proud to present our plans for 100 days of collaboratively exploring data for learning in engineering education!

Through a series of events, activities and interactive sessions we aim to create awareness about the possibilities and restraints of Data for Learning; and to highlight cooperation amongst organisational units involved in educational innovations in the context of data for learning. 

After '100 DAYS', an artefact, product or activity - co-created with contributors and attendees of the 100 DAYS - will be shared to showcase our lessons learned, considerations, and ways to go forward for lecturers, coordinators, and education management.

If you're interested and would like to be kept in the loop, or share your ideas and participate - get involved by sending an email to: teachingacademy@tudelft.nl.

The kick-off will take place on October 20th.

More information:
Overview of all activities within 100 days of data for learning.