Mohammad Khalil We would love to mention briefly the award-winning paper at EDEN 2018 conference with the title: "Stuck in the Middle? Making Sense of the…
Mohammad Khalil An Interesting article has been published recently in Australasian marketing journal by Ichou (2018) about MOOCs potential to reduce global…
Jan Nedermeijer Disparities among undergraduate anatomy students’ study strategies, class performance, and reported VARK learning styles, from Polly R. Husmann…
Maarten van de Ven There is a growing belief that higher education institutions should nurture a ‘quality culture’ in which structural/managerial and cultural…
Tim van der Zee For a number of decades, the stimulation of first-year student success has been an important theme in higher education and educational policies…
Maarten van de Ven Implementing the principles of inclusive education within higher education can be challenging. Inclusive education was originally developed…
Jan Nedermeijer From the website of the Higher Education Academy. Article: Cathedrals Mission Group - Peer Learning Project 2017: Smart buddies (academic skills…
Jan Nedermeijer From the Website VSNU (: Association of Universities in the Netherlands). Universities want students to complete their degree programmes…
Mohammad Khalil Learning analytics depend strongly on data to improve the quality and value of learning experience. However, these gains come at a cost! The…