Jan Nedermeijer The citations in the text below are taken from chapter 1 of the Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework. Discussion Paper, December…
Jacqueline Wong November 13, 2018 was the official opening of The Community for Learning and Innovation (CLI) at Erasmus University Rotterdam ( https://www.eur…
Jan Nedermeijer In the Jisc report Designing learning and assessment in a digital age, from the authors: Gill Ferrell, Ros Smith, Sarah Knigh, 26 January 2018…
Maarten van de Ven Many of the current approaches to pedagogy in universities rely on prior, incremental acquisition of knowledge for success. This paper…
Jacqueline Wong Learners’ motivation and learning strategies used in Massive Open Online Courses are important research areas to understand the issues and…
Muriel Garreta-Domingo, Peter B. Sloep and Davinia Hernández-Leo In the abstract the authors summarize the results of their research. Educators of all sectors…
Tim van der Zee These days it is very common for students to bring their laptops to school and for many, reading and writing is mostly done in a digital manner…
Maarten van de Ven Within the higher education context, peer feedback is frequently applied as an instructional method. Research on the learning mechanisms…
Maarten van de Ven This review has explored in-depth research papers that explore the use of rubrics in Higher Education. To explore the literature relating to…
Monique Markoff March 31, 2016 Blended Learning Advice for Teachers Blended learning is attracting a lot of attention among educators and parents around the…