Curriculum Design in Higher Education: Theory to Practice

Jan Nedermeijer

Purpose of the eBook
The purpose of this eBook was to collate and share many of the resources that I had written in the last few years on programme design, in particular the practical issues in planning and implementing a programme (course) design. There has been a wealth of web and literature resources on module (unit) design, but I had found a gap in the more complex task of programme design and how theory and models of curriculum apply in practice.

The materials in this eBook have been drawn from my experience in Ireland as:

  • a Lecturer and Head of School of an occupational therapy programme in Trinity College Dublin, and more recently, as
  • an educational developer supporting academic staff in UCD Teaching and Learning, University College Dublin, working in collaboration with a range of disciplines in undergraduate and postgraduate face-to-face, blended and online programmes.

Focus of the eBook
This eBook, therefore:

  • Focuses on curriculum design at the programme (not module) level,
  • Incorporates face-to-face, blended and online curricula,
  • Attempts to link theory to practice by giving some practical resources and/or exercises,
  • Draws the author’s experiences of working and researching into curriculum design n the Irish higher education sector,
  • Is aimed at staff involved in curriculum design, including academic staff (faculty), institutional managers, educational developers and technologists, support staff, library staff and curriculum researchers,
  • Is primarily drawn from literature and experiences in the higher education

Recommended citation O’Neill, G. (2015). Curriculum Design in Higher Education: Theory to Practice, Dublin: UCD Teaching & Learning. ISBN 9781905254989 . Also available from UCD Research repository at:


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