Fruitfull ERASMUS+ preparations in Madrid

A delegation of 6 CEL members recently spent 2 days at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with colleagues from across Europe, meeting together to further develop an ERASMUS+ bid. The project team comprises staff from the Technical University in Munich, the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Northampton, the University of Porto in Portugal and the hosts – University Carlos III de Madrid.

The project seeks to help education developers as they support staff in developing and using online education. The project recognises the strategic importance of online and blended education in the 21st century to complement face-to-face teaching and learning and to reach out to increasing numbers of learners. Many staff who are asked to deliver learning and teaching in these online environments may have little or no prior training or experience. Improved professional development strategies are needed to facilitate and support faculties to cope with this increase and change in demand.

Rachel Maxwell of the University of Northampton said of the visit:

This is an excellent opportunity to build stronger networks with our European partners and to develop not only a useful set of resources, but to enable educational developers across Europe to forge meaningful links in this ever-changing and evolving technological world. We in the Institure for Learning and Teaching are looking forward to partnering with these new colleagues on this project, should we be successful’.

Picture of ERASMUS+ SEED participants


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