The Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the ICT Research Platform for the Netherlands (IPN) organised the 9th edition of ICT.OPEN 2021 on 10 and 11 February. The ICT.OPEN is the event for ICT researchers and industry stakeholders. More than 500 scientists and researchers, including members and partners of LDE CEL, came together to learn from each other and to share ideas.
Data Enhanced Learning
LDE CEL Director Prof. Marcus Specht presented a keynote speech on Data Enhanced Learning at the ICT.OPEN 21. 'Reflection and personalised feedback are some of the most efficient means of enhancing human learning. Without feedback and making our progress visible and tangible, we are lost on our way. New digital means to track and monitor our progress open new ways of learning and training. Data tracking in digital systems and sensor-based wearable computing enable data-driven learning support for reflection and personalisation. This happens on a global level of making our progress visible to the details of understanding behaviour in complex problem-solving.'
'Defining cross-organisational infrastructures, developing cultures for shared data and the use of data in education, educating for data-literacy in a data-driven education system are just some challenges on the way. Great opportunities also open up in personalised education and learning towards developing every students' "best self" taking into account personal strengths and helping with weaknesses.'
Using new digital means to track and monitor our progress opens up new ways of learning and training.
Dutch Prize for ICT Research
Dr. Felienne Hermans received the Dutch Prize for ICT research 2021. The PERL group leader at LIACS, Leiden University, received the prize for her research into making computer science and programming accessible to a wide audience, as well as for her pioneering role in establishing a new direction within Dutch ICT research and education. Congratulations Felienne!
The prestigious prize for ICT research is awarded annually to a scientific researcher who has carried out innovative research or is responsible for a scientific breakthrough in ICT. The prize is made available by the ICT research platform Netherlands (IPN) in cooperation with NWO through the Royal Dutch Science Society (Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen).