Jan Nedermeijer Healey, M., Flint, A., & Harrington, K. (2016). Students as partners: Reflections on a conceptual model. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 4(2). http…
Jan Nedermeijer There is increasing evidence that a distinct European MOOC model is emerging. Already four independent European studies conclude that the…
David Ausubel die deze notie voor het eerst omschreef in de jaren 1960 beklemtoont dat goede advance organizers meer doen dan een opsomming van sleutelbegrippen…
Jan Nedermeijer De HvA-docent Paul Disco reageert in Folia op het advies van de Vereniging Hogescholen dat dienend leiderschap belangrijker wordt op hogescholen…
Jan Nedermeijer Verslag: Webinar studiesuccestips voor ouders – Wageningen University Lectoraat Studiesucces Onderzoeksgroep Onderwijzen en Leren in Diversiteit…
Jan Nedermeijer In many universities, students are asked to evaluate the quality of the teacher and of some other aspects of courses they have followed…
Jan Nedermeijer “ Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction. Approved by the NCTE Executive Committee October 21, 2013″. Source: Twitter account…
Jan Nedermeijer In their website the Open University gives an overview of relevant study skills as presented by different universities: To help students become…
Jan Nedermeijer The Berkeley Student Learning Center gives in their website an interesting overview of different Study and Success Strategies. One of the…
Jan Nedermeijer From the website of the Open Education Consortium: Who We Are We are a global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations…