Jan Nedermeijer From The Hechiner report, Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education. Student learning communities can even improve understanding of human…
Jan Nedermeijer Aims of the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education Supports the initial and continuing…
Second edition Academic Teaching Lab Thursday 17th and Friday 18th of November the second edition of the Academic Teaching Lab took place in Sassenheim. 12…
TU Delft, Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University Medical Centre and the Erasmus Medical Centre are set to offer post-doc…
Jan Nedermeijer dinsdag 12 januari 2016 10:00 . Dit is een origineel bericht van Open Universiteit Hoe krijg je studenten zover dat ze proberen de leerstof echt…
Jan Nedermeijer B. P. Godor, published on September 5, 2016, Erasmus University Rotterdam. One of the most important things that students get from university is…
Jan Nedermeijer Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A. Kirschner, Casper D. Hulshof give in their book Technology in Education. What teacher should know an overview of all…
Jan Nedermeijer Jessica Shipman Gunson, Elizabeth Abery, Lindsay Krassnitzer, Christopher Barton, Ivanka Prichard, from Flinders University, Adelhyde, Australia…
Jan Nedermeijer In his blog " Active Learning: How To Take Awesome Notes & Learn" in BAm Radio Network Oskar Cymerman gives some interesting suggestions about…
Even though most universities would like to see otherwise, research and teaching don't always go hand in hand. What are the best ways to integrate research in…