When people think about online education, they tend to associate it with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs have been very popular since Stanford launched the first really massive OOC (more than 160,000 students applied) at the end of 2011. However, they have raised at least as many questions as they have produced innovations in both online and campus education.
We felt that such a strong but controversial driver for innovation in education and learning should be the first topic in our series of Innovation Rooms. We chose to combine three things:
Science: a presentation by Olga Pilli from Leiden University on her literature review of student engagement and student achievement in MOOCs
Insight: lessons learned by seasoned MOOC instructor Professor Edwin Bakker from Leiden University
Practice: a 2 hour workshop by Professor Alejandro Armellini on student engagement and achievement in online and blended learning through e-tivities