LERU Advice Paper ‘Online learning at research-intensive universities’

Simone Buitendijk, Vice-Rector of Leiden University co-authored a LERU advice paper on online learning at research-intensive universities. LERU is the League of European Research Universities, of which Leiden University is a founding member.

LERU is convinced that online learning will play an important part in the future of teaching and learning at European universities. The new LERU paper emphasizes, however, that this will only be to the advantage of students, learners, and universities themselves if those universities take a strategic approach towards online learning, in their own institutions and with learners worldwide.

The paper offers recommendations on the following crucial points: Strategy development and scenario planning, blended learning, online pedagogy and quality, the global and international perspective, reputation and brand, business models, collaboration and policy making.

Advice Paper ‘Online Learning at Research-Intensive Universities

LERU is organising a public launch event to present the paper at the Neth-ER House in Brussels on 9 July 2014.

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