Safeguarding Student Learning Engagement

Jan Nedermeijer

The Good Practice Guide for Safeguarding Student Learning Engagement is a principle outcome of project.

This guide has been specifically developed for academic and professional staff responsible for the design and implementation of programs and initiatives designed to proactively monitor and safeguard student learning engagement. The Guide presents a conceptual framework consisting of a set of social justice principles and a common philosophical position for safeguarding student learning engagement. The purpose of the guide is to support institutional leaders and monitoring student learning engagement (MSLE) implementation strategies by describing examples of good practice and making available a set of resources (case studies and artefacts) to support policy and practice for various initiatives.

The Good Practice Guide has been developed in consultation with eight higher education institutions in Australia and New Zealand who have implemented institutional MSLE initiatives. An Advisory Group of selected senior academic and professional staff have provided significant input into the development of the social justice framework as well as the progress of the project.

A Good Practice Guide: Safeguarding Student Learning Engagement (complete Guide – PDF3112KB). Professor Margaret Gardner, Vice Chancellor, RMIT launches the Good Practice Guide March 26, 2013. If viewing the eBook on a tablet computer, open in iBooks or an Adobe Reader or equivalent application.

Good Practice Guide – You may wish to download the sections separately:

Preliminary pages (Preface, Acknowledgements, Executive summary  (PDF460KB))

Part 1:  Context (Overview of the project and development of the guide, framing the project including the philosophical stance and background summary  (PDF534KB)

Part 2:  A social justice framework for safeguarding student learning engagement (Social Justice Framework, overview of the social justice principles:  rationale;  implications; challenges and;  good practice examples  (PDF667KB))

Part 3:  Case studies (eight institutional cases studies of monitoring student learning engagement programs and initiatives, summary of good practice examples and artefacts (PDF1915KB))

Part 4:  Literature (full literature analysis and synthesis and references  (PDF557KB))

Please cite the Good Practice Guide as:
Nelson, K. & Creagh, T.  (2013).    A good practice guide:  Safeguarding student learning engagement.  Brisbane, Australia:  Queensland University of Technology