On 8 April we organized our 13th Innovation Room; an afternoon focusing on the topic of Learning Analytics.
We kicked off with a welcome by prof. Marcus Specht on CEL's spearheads and the programme of this afternoon.

Hendrik Drachsler, Professor of Educational Technologies and Learning Analytics, followed with a keynote on Tangible Trusted Learning Analytics. The slides of his keynote can be found below in the attachments.
Interactive workshops followed the keynote. Participants could choose one workshop out of four, all exploring a different side of Learning Analytics.
Ioana Jivet and Tom Broos gave a workshop on Learning Analytic Dashboards.
A workshop that gave an insight into how to build effective visual feedback displays for different stakeholder groups. Discussing the importance of ensuring that visual feedback is scalable (can be delivered to large cohorts), actionable (guides users to taking action), and grounded (is based on research).
In the Multimodal Learning Analytics workshop, Daniele Di Mitri and Marcus Specht elaborated on the potentials of multimodality and Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) and how these can be used to improve learning. The potentials of sensors data, machine learning and artificial intelligence in relation with multimodal data were explored. With presentations of existing prototypes for MMLA, a discussion of future implementations and possible research collaboration opportunities on the topic.
Along with technical research questions such as scalability of the infrastructure of Learning Analytics (LA), compatibility with standards and specifications, the session given by Stefaan Ternier and Maren Scheffel focused on problems that are of importance to influence the acceptance of LA infrastructure. They started their session with lessons learned in various Learning Analytics projects and shared their vision on scalability and trust. Participants were asked to actively explore the discussed issues and brainstorm about solutions.
Learning Analytics triggers emotional discussions and raises concerns about variability of educational practices, teaching ethics and privacy of learners and teachers. A blind spot in such discussions is the tight coupling of learning analytics to the educational design of the learning experiences. The workshop Design thinking for Learning Analytics by Christian Glahn focused on this blind spot and addressed how educational-design-choices influence what data becomes available for learning analytics and how this data is represented in learning management systems. The participants explored and discussed the role of data in different learning designs for assessment and support.

After a short coffee break the afternoon was wrapped up with a panel discussion about the Future of Learning Analytics. Marcus Specht moderated this interesting discussion with Claudia Hauff (Associate Prof., EEMCS TU Delft), Tinne de Laet (Associate Prof., Engineering Science KU Leuven), Heather Hamilton (Brightspace), Willem van Valkenburg (Manager Teaching & Learning Services TU Delft) and Hendrik Drachsler (Prof. of Educational Technologies and Learning Analytics, OU).
Thank you for coming in such large numbers and making the day a success!
Find notes and slides of the presentations in the attachments below.
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