Martine recently joined the TU Delft and LDE CEL as a researcher and innovation manager. She is currently also in the third year of her PhD at the Open Universiteit Nederland. Her research is centered around the question to what extent Open Online Education and educational innovations are embedded and governed in higher education institutions. She will mainly focus on the organizational (pre)conditions that lead to success, the effect of educational innovations on the organization. Her research for CEL will also focus on these topics, and more specifically for educational innovation processes of the three LDE CEL universities: Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her background lies in Psychology and Learning Sciences as she holds a Bachelors degree in Cognitive Psychology, and a Masters degree in Management of Learning (Maastricht University). After her studies she was involved in several projects in the field of learning, training and staff development among other topics during a traineeship. She also had some hands-on teaching experience as a lecturer at Maastricht University.
MSc. Martine Schophuizen
Job title
LDE CEL Innovation Manager Email address