CEL partners in the Spotlight: the Community for Learning & Innovation

This week we did a check in with one of our close partners, the Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, to hear about their projects and how they are coping under the semi-lock down circumstances.

The Community for Learning & Innovation is exactly that: a community, and the place where researchers, teachers and students come together to innovate their education and bring abstract ideas or visions of teaching and learning to life.

So when over two months ago the doors were closed on the Education Lab facility as part of the covid-19 measures, it suddenly became necessary to rethink and reshape the role of the CLI in this new, remote teaching environment, whilst still continuing to support teachers and carry out their mission.

Close collaboration with faculties and teacher representatives became key, and collaborating with Risbo, a partner organization and independent research institute for research, training and advice on teacher training and education, has been essential to developing these methods and offering the support that the community has been able to give to its members. 

The CLI soon compiled an overview of all the online learning initiatives at EUR, as well as articles, manuals and videos with instructions and tips for conducting online assessments, creating videos and other useful material for teachers and students alike.

This overview can be found on:


Other initiatives include a project on online proctoring, as well as the creation of a Digital hotline (or ‘loket’) with FAQs pertaining to the Covid-19 situation and teaching under these circumstances.

In sum, the CLI is playing a key role in supporting and driving the transition from teaching and learning on campus to online.

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Advies voor Online Onderwijs