Jacqueline Wong Although there is an increase use of online learning all over the world, the understanding of how to engage online students is still limited…
Maarten van de Ven Although many examples and definitions of a flipped, or inverted, classroom exist in a higher education context, there remains a lack of…
Jan Nedermeijer Associate Professor and Director of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Nottingham From the website of the Higher Education Acamedy I…
Jan Nedermeijer Website Teaching and Learning. Creative learning enables our students to build strong professional identities, future-focussed graduate…
Jan Nedermeijer From the website of the Higher Education Academy. Article: Cathedrals Mission Group - Peer Learning Project 2017: Smart buddies (academic skills…
Tim van der Zee Anders Ericsson is well known from his research on the development of expertise. At the core of his thinking is the idea of Deliberate Practice…
Maarten van de Ven University students are a major source of future innovations in organizational settings. Before they enter the labour market, it is in the…
Jacqueline Wong Although there are several studies that showed positive effects of self-testing on learning performances, Rummer, Schweppe, Gerst, and Wagner…
Jacqueline Wong Gamification is increasingly used in work places to enhance employees’ task performance. Goal setting interventions to enhance motivation and…
Jan Nedermeijer Mick Healey, Alan Jenkins and John Lea. Developing research-based curricula in college-based higher education, Higher Education Academy, March…