Jan Nedermeijer From the website: NEA National Education Association Since 1999, NEA has partnered with the Professional and Organizational Development (POD)…
Jan Nedermeijer Inspired by Eric Mazur Karel Roos made a three minute Animation about Active Learning. The animation explains how you can activate students in…
Jan Nedermeijer Surf Trendreport: Technological trends that span education and ICT, SURF, November 2016 An worthwhile insight is given in this report of the…
Jan Nedermeijer Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A. Kirschner, Casper D. Hulshof give in their book Technology in Education. What teacher should know an overview of all…
Jan Nedermeijer Flexible Learning. For instructors: It means evidence-based, technology-enabled teaching methods that improve the learning experience for a…
Jan Nedermeijer Teaching online requires re-thinking course design to align with the strategies that best suit the content and the students. The resources below…
From Student Engagement Strategies for the Online Learning Environment. by Paula M. Bigatel, PhD , March 14th, 2016. During the past year and a half, our…