Tim van der Zee Over the last years, technology has become increasingly more integrated into classrooms. For a long time, students have been bringing their…
Tim van der Zee Seductive details constitute interesting but irrelevant information that are not necessary to achieve the instructional objective. The seductive…
Tim van der Zee - Instructional Design Guidelines for Multimedia Materials Educational videos are generally aimed at increasing learning and multimedia…
Tim van der Zee Some people have a strong preference to work with dual monitors, as opposed to having only a single screen. However, is there actually any…
Tim van der Zee Multimedia materials such as videos and interactive webpages have become increasingly popular. When used in education it is important that the…
Jan Nedermeijer There are several ways to stimulate self-regulated learning in university students. Teachers can stress the use of an effective and efficient…
Jacqueline Wong Kirschner, P. A. (2017). Stop propagating the learning styles myth. Computers & Education, 106, 166-171. Kirschner (2017) wrote a paper to urge…
Jan Nedermeijer Website SURF January 2017 Meer inzicht in het onderwijsproces, gerichte feedback aan studenten en uiteindelijk verbetering van het onderwijs…
Jan Nedermeijer From the website: NEA National Education Association Since 1999, NEA has partnered with the Professional and Organizational Development (POD)…
Jan Nedermeijer Surf Trendreport: Technological trends that span education and ICT, SURF, November 2016 An worthwhile insight is given in this report of the…