Mohammad Khalil Learning Analytics in Higher Education has proven to be helpful to universities and colleges. The benefits stand behind the strategies that…
Tim van der Zee While many studies have looked at skills such as critical thinking, reading, writing, and mathematics in brief or cross-sectional studies, very…
Tim van der Zee When students are introduced to a concept, the instruction is often paired with several illustrative problems. Exposure to these problems…
Maarten van de Ven Assessment of collaborative learning by means of big data might have an impact on the future of universities. That argument is explored in a…
Maarten van de Ven Many university teachers still have trouble writing learning goals for their courses that enables student learning. A recent published study…
Jan Nedermeijer Next Generation Digital Learning Environment In the Educause Review July 31, 2017, G. Alex Ambrose, Kevin Abbott and Alison Lanski describe and…
Maarten van de Ven This paper investigates the participants ’ perceptions of the effects of pedagogical innovation on teaching and learning and the adequacy…
Maarten van de Ven The focus of institutions is the preparation of future professionals. To achieve this aim, Higher education institutes use innovative…
Tim van der Zee - Instructional Design Guidelines for Multimedia Materials Educational videos are generally aimed at increasing learning and multimedia…
Jan Nedermeijer Website SURF January 2017 Meer inzicht in het onderwijsproces, gerichte feedback aan studenten en uiteindelijk verbetering van het onderwijs…