Monique Markoff March 31, 2016 Blended Learning Advice for Teachers Blended learning is attracting a lot of attention among educators and parents around the…
Jacqueline Wong Hypermedia is a type of computer–based learning environment characterized by hyperlinks that interconnect different pages. Students can navigate…
Jacqueline Wong One of the critical factors that contributes to learning performance is the time students are actively engaged in a task (i.e., time-on-task)…
Maarten van de Ven Courses in higher education increasingly make use of blended learning, ie, the combination of online and face‐to‐face activities to optimize…
Jacqueline Wong Chen, Woolcott, and Sweller (2017) provided suggestions to structure Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) using instructional design principles…
Jacqueline Wong To understand the impact of self-regulated learning (SRL) in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Lee, Watson, and Watson (2019) conducted a…
Jan Nedermeijer Disparities among undergraduate anatomy students’ study strategies, class performance, and reported VARK learning styles, from Polly R. Husmann…
Jacqueline Wong Teachers need to know how well students are progressing in order to adjust their teaching to help students meet the learning objectives…
Tim van der Zee Several pedagogical approaches have been identified in the literature to promote students' creativity in the classroom. These generally involve…
Jacqueline Wong Sidi, Ackerman, and Erez (2017) examined the effect of positive affect on metacognitive processes. In two experiments, they manipulated affect…