Maarten van de Ven Assessment for learning is a concept that in recent years has been studied in educational research. Assessment for learning is considered to…
Jacqueline Wong Making restudy decisions reflects learner’s regulation of learning. In order to successfully comprehend a text, learners have to monitor their…
Jacqueline Wong Distributed practice is considered a better learning strategy than massed practice. This is also known as the spacing effect. Learners space…
Maarten van de Ven Assessment of collaborative learning by means of big data might have an impact on the future of universities. That argument is explored in a…
Jacqueline Wong Visual displays are often used to relay information. They are frequently used in learning materials to explain or elaborate textual information…
Jacqueline Wong To be a highly sought-after employee, a graduate is required to not only have a good academic record but also a range of desirable skills and…
Tim van der Zee In addition to intelligence, people also have a certain mindset about intelligence. For example, people differ in how strongly they belief that…
Jan Nedermeijer In their website the Open University gives an overview of relevant study skills as presented by different universities: To help students become…
Jan Nedermeijer Most evaluations have focused on initiatives to develop academic and study skills: common areas of concern in first year that may also reflect…