Tim van der Zee In addition to intelligence, people also have a certain mindset about intelligence. For example, people differ in how strongly they belief that…
Jacqueline Wong Motivation is important for academic success because motivated students are more likely to work hard, persevere through challenging moments, and…
James Link January 3, 2017. Cornerstone University. You've got a big test and you really need to do some studying. You head over to your favorite coffee shop…
Tim van der Zee Being able to clearly present information in a way that students understand is an important teaching skill, and has been shown to positively…
Jan Nedermeijer This framework has been led by the HEA(Higher Education Academy) to enable you to further engage students through partnership. The HEA regard…
Jacqueline Wong Students’ sense of belonging in college can have an impact on their college experiences and motivation to learn. Some students find it easy to…
Tim van der Zee Seductive details constitute interesting but irrelevant information that are not necessary to achieve the instructional objective. The seductive…
Jacqueline Wong Learning from lectures that are recorded and uploaded online is becoming a commonplace. Video lectures offer students the flexibility of…
Jan Nedermeijer Ready for retention Targeting positive outcomes for all students. From the Website of the Higher Education Academy Helping students adapt to and…
Iris Yocarini - Decision Accuracy in a Conjunctive versus Compensatory Grading System Iris Yocarini researched the decision accuracy of the Binding Study Advice…