Mohammad Khalil MOOCs are defined as open, participatory, distributed, and as supporting lifelong network learning (Cormier, 2010). Given the high number of…
Jan Nedermeijer Roger Dawkins gives an interesting insight in the use of Learning Analytics in three blended learning undergraduate courses in Academia…
Mohammad Khalil In their paper "The Changing Patterns of MOOC Discourse", Dowell et al. (2017) discuss a new topic of how MOOC participants have changed over…
Maarten van de Ven Research into and practice of Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD) have been increasing during the last two decades. These…
Jacqueline Wong Affective states play a major role in students’ learning process. When students are appropriately challenged, they may feel slightly confused…
Maarten van de Ven University students are a major source of future innovations in organizational settings. Before they enter the labour market, it is in the…
Jacqueline Wong Although there are several studies that showed positive effects of self-testing on learning performances, Rummer, Schweppe, Gerst, and Wagner…
Jacqueline Wong Several articles on supporting the efficacy of retrieval practice, also known as the 'testing effect’, have been shared in the current website…
Jacqueline Wong Gamification is increasingly used in work places to enhance employees’ task performance. Goal setting interventions to enhance motivation and…
Jan Nedermeijer Students as Partners—Good for Students, Good for Staff: A Study on the Impact of Partnership Working and How This Translates to Improved Student…