By Gillian Saunders-Smits, Vivian van der Werf, Erna Engelbrecht, Gitte van Helden and Manuel Valle Torre. On Tuesday 22 February the first LDE-CEL Doctoral…
We are very pleased to announce Felienne Hermans will be the first keynote on the CTE STEM 2022 conference on June 15! Hedy: Creating a gradual programming…
No matter if you have just completed your studies or if you are a veteran employee, you will need to consult with your colleagues and peers to stay abreast of…
As part of its renewed focus on Research on Digital Education, the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning (LDE-CEL) currently comprises nine PhD…
For this week’s newsletter, I started writing about my research and the insights I gained related to my projects. After all, I just presented and published my…
As an interuniversity and interdisciplinary centre we believe that working together with researchers from different scientific fields is key in bringing…
On 21 January 2022 MSc. Jacqueline Wong will defend her thesis. Her Ph.D. research topic focuses on the relationship between student characteristics, student…