The research programme of the Centre for Education and Learning focuses on online learning. This broad topic is approached from three angles: (i) the design of…
How do we reform our methods of teaching to prepare students for the rest of their professional lives? Eric Mazur spent a great deal of his career perfecting…
We are glad to have received a total number of 22 proposals for the Academic Teaching Lab from the three LDE universities. Last week, these have been assessed…
On Friday, 2 October, the second annual meeting of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning was held. Topics were European higher education…
On Monday September 28, nine Leiden-Delft-Erasmus PhD students working in the educational domain had a first get together in 'DE NIEUWE ENERGIE' in Leiden to…
The final session of ‘Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap 2014-2015’ (Leadership in Education Course) took place in Rotterdam on Friday 28 August. The…
What can a teacher do to help students learn online successfully and stay motivated? Universities are heavily committed to online education, so more research…
'In the Centre for Education and Learning, education specialists can exchange ideas on educational innovation', says Huib Pols, Rector Magnificus of Erasmus…
For decades, student retention has been a big challenge for engineering and technology universities. Maartje van den Bogaard spent five years researching the…